Very often an eye care professional has no answer to the patient's eye disorders and they helplessly answer-"sorry, nothing can be done' The main objective of LVA is to give them the answer that- something can be done even, after the best medical and optical intervention has given up. To lose vision and adapt to the word visually disabled is a mental trauma for the patient and his family. The problem is that, many eye care professional do not realize and understand the importance of low vision services, and advice or refer them for such services. The patient lives all life –long dependent and handicapped just because the practitioner did not understand the importance of low vision devices, which would have made his life simpler and independent.
Is squint a sign of good luck or a sight stealing condition?
What is Squint?
Cause of Squint?
Symptoms of squint?
Surgical Treatment?
What is amblyopia ?
Amblyopia means reduced vision in a normal anatomical eye.
When does amblyopia develop?
Amblyopia develops due to any of the following?
Amblyopia develops during childhood. Children under 9 years of age whose vision is still developing are at a highest risk for amblyopia. Generally, the younger the child, the greater the risk.
Why does amblyopia develop?
Amblyopia develops because when one eye is turned as in squint, two different images are sent to the brain. In a young child, the brain learns to ignore the image of the deviated eye and see only the image of the better eye. Similarly when there is difference in power of both eyes, the blurred or defocused image formed by the eye with more power is avoided by the brain. For the retina to capture the object, it needs adequate light and visual stimulus. This being absent in presence of cataract either in one or both eyes result in amblyopia. High or moderate degree of refractive power present in both eyes when not corrected early and adequately also results in amblyopia.
How is amblyopia treated?
The most effective way of treating amblyopia is to make the child use the amblyopic eye. Covering or patching the good eye to force use of the amblyopic ye may be necessary to ensure equal and normal vision. This can achieved by
Occlusion means closure of normal eye with a patch and this makes the child use the amblyopic eye. Occlusion is done from few hours to few days depending upon the age of patient, type and severity of amblyopia. In case having less severe amblyopia partial occlusion by making one glass translucent, may be sufficient. Elder children can do reading exercises with patching of the normal eye at home. Those patient who are doing patching need periodic follow up, which is decided by an optometrist/ ophthalmologist. Duration of treatment may extend from months to year. Once the vision is improved up to the level of normal eye, it has to be maintained by occluding the normal eye for few hours during critical years of the age. The optometrist / ophthalmologist will decide whether or how long the occlusion should be continued. Loss of vision from amblyopia is preventable if treatment is begun early.
Facts on patching.
Normal vision
In normal vision light rays from an object focus on the retina.
Refractive error is said to exist when the light rays get focused in front or behind the retina causing blurred vision. Causes
Types of Refractive Errors?
->The common types of refractive errors that occur in children are myopia (near sightedness),
->Hyperopia (far sightedness) and astigmatism.
In hyperopia or farsightedness, the light rays from an object from an image behind the retina because of the small size of the eye ball
The light rays from an object from an object from an image in front of the retina. The occurs when the cornea is curved too much or if the eyes too long.
This occurs due to changes in corneal curvatures.
Symptoms of Refractive Errors